phpMyAdmin joins Software Freedom Conservancy


phpMyAdmin becomes the first member project to join Conservancy in 2013.

Today, Software Freedom Conservancy welcomes the phpMyAdmin project as its newest member. phpMyAdmin joins 28 sister member projects who all call Conservancy their non-profit corporate home.

Conservancy is a non-profit public charity that provides a range of financial and administrative services to member projects that develop Free, Libre, and Open Source Software (FLOSS). Conservancy's assistance allows software developers and documenters to focus on those activities exclusively.

By joining Conservancy, phpMyAdmin obtains the benefits of a formal non-profit organizational structure while keeping the project focused on software development and documentation. Some benefits of joining Conservancy include the ability to collect donations, hold assets on behalf of the project, and some protection of the lead developers of the project from personal liability when engaging in the activities of the project. Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc. is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization, incorporated in New York State.

Other FLOSS projects that seek to join Conservancy are encouraged to apply.


phpMyAdmin is a free and open source web interface for the MySQL, MariaDB and Drizzle database systems. Frequently used operations (managing databases, tables, columns, relations, indexes, users, permissions, etc) can be performed via the user interface, while you still have the ability to directly execute any SQL statement.

Since its first release in September 1998, phpMyAdmin has been adopted
by thousands of web host providers, and has translations underway for more than
seventy languages.