phpMyAdmin 5.1.4

Released 2022-05-11.

Welcome to the release of phpMyAdmin version 5.1.4. This is a bug fix release but is intended mostly for downstream packagers to have easy access to the fixes. Regular users are encouraged to use the 5.2.0 release instead. This is the last planned release of the 5.1.x branch.

The two biggest fixed issues include:

* Network error reported when exporting a database
* Fix user interface issue with the navigation bar

More detailed notes can be found in the release announcement at and the complete release notes are always available at

Downloads are available now at

For the phpMyAdmin team,

Older version compatible with PHP 7.1 and newer and MySQL/MariaDB 5.5 and newer.

File Size Verification
phpMyAdmin-5.1.4-all-languages.tar.gz 11.9 MB [PGP] [SHA256]
phpMyAdmin-5.1.4-all-languages.tar.xz 6.7 MB [PGP] [SHA256]
phpMyAdmin-5.1.4-english.tar.gz 7.2 MB [PGP] [SHA256]
phpMyAdmin-5.1.4-english.tar.xz 4.7 MB [PGP] [SHA256] 8.6 MB [PGP] [SHA256]
phpMyAdmin-5.1.4-source.tar.xz 17.1 MB [PGP] [SHA256]

Since July 2015 all phpMyAdmin releases are cryptographically signed by the releasing developer. You should verify that the signature matches the archive you have downloaded. Verification instructions are placed in our documentation in the Verifying phpMyAdmin releases chapter.